
If you don't hate big oil now...

Personals don't need to be this personal

I'm a weirdo, he's a weirdo, she's a weirdo, wouldn't you like to be a weirdo too?

Open for what? World domination?

Imagine being mugged by something that cute and fuzzy

"Who are you going to be for Halloween?" "I'm Pooperman!"

If I had a vergina I'd be immortal, apparently

And I'm not even that big a baseball fan

2 legit 2 quit?


I'm between Robert Redford and Bono

Who's your daddy?

Stop her before she breeds again!

I'm so friggin adorable!

Trick or teat!

What she says is not what she means, obviously


This explains a lot

Ho ho ho! Merry Columbus Day!

My $0.02 is worth way more than a buck

Weekend Edition Quickie

I'm too e-sexy for my profile

This and Viagra give a whole new meaning to "Back in the Saddle Again"


Imagine Dick in a feather boa and 6" heels...

Betcha Billy Graham never figured this out

They are only dangerous in large numbers

Why am I always the last person on the web to find these things?