Note to self...don't ever fly in a dress...

This weekend was spent in far northeast Iowa, watching one of my cousins get married. She’s a peach of a gal, and I happen to like her now-husband quite a bit. I’ll probably be seeing more of them now that I just learned they have bought a house in the suburb where I work – about 5 minutes away actually. I’m stoked because now I’ll have someone nearby to do lunch with.

The wedding itself went off pretty much without a hitch. Half the fun was the drive out there, through the Wisconsin countryside. I passed a big wind farm and saw plenty of guys in trucks coming back from their deer stands with their prized dead bodies strapped to the back. The bride and groom are now supposedly winging their way to their honeymoon. I say supposedly because they were going to Hawaii, and I don’t know how the earthquake last night has hampered travel to the islands.

No matter how late she gets there however, her honeymoon won’t be nearly as bad as that of Andrea Medaglia though. She got married and enjoyed her honeymoon, only to not only have her flight out cancelled, but to have an AP photographer take a picture of her sitting on a curb with her husband Tony. Sounds innocuous enough, but she was wearing a dress for the flight home and the photographer was at, shall we say an “unfortunate” angle for poor Andrea:

Said photograph is now the “most viewed” picture on Yahoo.

So now not only is her flight cancelled but the AP just posted an upskirt picture of her that has been viewed by tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of people – including (probably) her mother-in-law. What a way to start off, huh?


Nobody said…
he he he

Oh. my. god.


But sister needs to learn how to sit in a dress?! ~snicker~
KC said…
I also went to a wedding reception this weekend. As far as I know, there were no upskirt shots, but I'll check with the bride later.

This was a reception only as the bride and groom ran off to Vegas and got married by an Elvis impersonator. Really.
grrrbear said…
Really, KC? My friends upstairs eloped last week to Vegas, but I don't know if they had an impersonator or not.

Come to think of it, I think they were honeymooning in Hawaii too. Weird...
Jay Noel said…
Wow. That is an AWESOME picture!
MonkeyMom said…
On the up side? The likelihood of you flying in a dress is slim anyway...

grrrbear said…
Actually, the likeliness of me doing anything in a dress is miniscule.

I just don't have the legs.
towwas said…
Anyway, who flies in clothes like that? Airplanes are FREEZING.