I have blog-mass!

I have finally gotten to the point where making new posts to the blog takes more than a second. Now instead of going from "0% complete" instantly to "100% complete" there are other numbers that appear. I can only take this as meaning that my blog has enough mass to make it work for blogger.com to handle. I feel powerful, like I rule a vast domain.

I ate too much for lunch today. It's the first day of the "week of birthday lunches" at work, as various groups take me out to shower me with affection and adoration. Must remember not to order a slice of pizza as large as the one I had today when I go tomorrow. I may never eat pizza again.

Why do restaurants keep making food bigger and bigger? Do they get lots of complaints because fat people don't get enough on their plate and demand more? When was the last time you thought to yourself "This pizza is good, but it would be even *better* were it the size of a bedsheet!"

The side order of broccoli I got probably didn't help either. But it was very good and also quite large, probably on some veggie-version of steroids (my bet: "the clear").

So, what I learned today: when one portion of your meal is ginormous (in this case, the 50-gallon drum of lemonade they set down on the table) be prepared for a stream of Barry-Bonds-isized cuisine, and stop eating early.



J.Po said…
DUUUUUDE. I toooootally forgot your Biiiiirthday! And it's a BIG one too. Forgive me and please accept my best wishes for a wonderful fouth decade of your life. You rock and you're setting the stage for my turn next fall. Is it really as bad as it seems?

And congrats on your blog posting time. I now consider you an uber-blogger.
J.Po said…
I like my pizza the size of a quarter. The smaller it is, the more gourmet it is. Go small, pay more.
grrrbear said…
Have you ever actually had a pizza that small? Was it made by gerbils? Do you giggle as much as I do when you picture them in little hats, throwing dough into the air and squeaking "Manga!" (or however it's spelled)?

Tee hee hee...
J.Po said…
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. And if I forgot to answer one of the questions...yes.

Okay, so some of those ansers should probably be nos...but I won't tell you which ones.
Stacey Pelika said…
Ms. Po has, in fact, had a keychain that commemorated her love of very small pizzas (with corn!). However, it now in the great void of lost and stolen things, never to return :(