I ran across this in one of my many sites I monitor regularly for entertainment. God bless the internet for bringing this stuff into my home. Like a Tivo I don't have to pay for.
One wonders what other songs a person could do this for? And which ones would be the funniest? "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails would be on my list - I think it has great humor potential...
One wonders what other songs a person could do this for? And which ones would be the funniest? "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails would be on my list - I think it has great humor potential...
As for this delightful site, it reminds me way too much of my own dancing style, minus the x-rated gestures. Spice and I have perfected our own version. We have a wonderful dance we do to Prince's '7' - performed best on chairs.
I will need to witness this new dance, methinks. Maybe at the next reunion? Only 2 years away ya know...ain't that a little spooky?
After the experience at the 5 year, I think we should get a group of folks, skip reunion convo and go hang out somewhere rather than being cooped up in the boiling hot chapel listening to all the classes talk about how much money we made. Hanging out was way more fun.