No matter where you sit with respect to the latest Supreme Court nominee, you’ve got to love that kid of his. Apparently, during Tuesday’s “Leak? What leak?” primetime press conference to announce the nomination, Robert’s eldest broke out his best moves for the white house press corps:

What is it with kids and dancing? Even when they are teeny tiny toddlers, all it takes is a good beat and they are ready to kick it like baby Swayzes (“Nobody puts me in a corner!”). Even better, as those of you who have ever attended a wedding reception where kids are in attendance, they have no shame whatsoever about their ability. They just run out and hop around like penguins on speed.
When I was younger for example, a friend of mine at the time and I used to hang out by the church where my dad worked and bust out dance moves for passing cars. No music, no real dance training (or even practice, for that matter), and no talent whatsoever. In retrospect, I’m not sure what we were doing or why we were dancing* but we did it anyway. So I think it’s awesome that other kids out there today still do it. If the kid needs to dance – let ‘im.
More ironic is that the framers of the constitution probably would have wholly disapproved of the sort of dancing that lil’ Roberts was busting out. And, if the nominee is indeed an “originalist”, eventually a ruling will come down the pike that forbids dancing in any form other than what existed in 1776 such as waltzes or polonaises**. And you thought Footloose could never happen in real life…
* Maybe the first signs of my love of the stage? More likely another manifestation of my already well-developed-at-the-time love of attention…
** At least it will come once all those pesky "living constitutionalists" die off or retire

What is it with kids and dancing? Even when they are teeny tiny toddlers, all it takes is a good beat and they are ready to kick it like baby Swayzes (“Nobody puts me in a corner!”). Even better, as those of you who have ever attended a wedding reception where kids are in attendance, they have no shame whatsoever about their ability. They just run out and hop around like penguins on speed.
When I was younger for example, a friend of mine at the time and I used to hang out by the church where my dad worked and bust out dance moves for passing cars. No music, no real dance training (or even practice, for that matter), and no talent whatsoever. In retrospect, I’m not sure what we were doing or why we were dancing* but we did it anyway. So I think it’s awesome that other kids out there today still do it. If the kid needs to dance – let ‘im.
More ironic is that the framers of the constitution probably would have wholly disapproved of the sort of dancing that lil’ Roberts was busting out. And, if the nominee is indeed an “originalist”, eventually a ruling will come down the pike that forbids dancing in any form other than what existed in 1776 such as waltzes or polonaises**. And you thought Footloose could never happen in real life…
* Maybe the first signs of my love of the stage? More likely another manifestation of my already well-developed-at-the-time love of attention…
** At least it will come once all those pesky "living constitutionalists" die off or retire