I found a new toy for the blog yesterday (it's amazing how quick some of this html can be coded into the templates)! Anyway, my new "weatherpixie" will tell you what the weather's like in Chi-town. I picked this one because she's the cutest and totally hardcore - this is what she wears at the south pole! I know! She's awesome! Standing out there in -99 degree weather (farenheit) in just a loosely hooded jacket and jeans! And she's not even shivering! Man, I'd be totally smitten if the GF weren't around.
Come to think of it, what time zone is the south pole on? Does daylight savings time even matter if there's no daylight to save in the first place? Does time itself even matter when it's dark all day and nothing's on television? Can people at the south pole get satellite TV from geosynchronous satellites? Can penguins carry knives? What happens if they declared war on the scientists in the middle of winter? When a scientist sneaks out in the night to pee and nobody sees him, is the snow still yellow?
Man, there's so much I don't know about polar exploration...