Okay, let’s say you’re the leader of the free world. Responsible for the well-being of hundreds of millions of people. You meet with kings, prime ministers, sheiks, and chiefs on a regular basis. You decide the fate of thousands of people in countries overseas. You decide what ideas become law in your country and which get thrown in the shredder.
Sounds like someone who’s got it all together, right? Someone who’s focused solely on communicating the ideals and principles of his country to a world eager to listen? Who thinks of nothing but how to make his country a better place?

Unless he needs to go potty, apparently.
Yes folks, this is Presudent Shrub writing a note to Condi Rice at the UN meeting yesterday.
(If you can't read it, the note says "I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible")
What a tool!
It's like passing notes in the first grade.
on the Daily Show last night there was a clip of someone (Tom Coburn?) doing a crossword puzzle during the Roberts confirmation hearings. Clear as day.
I like that Shrubby has to ask Condi permission to pee.