Quickie II, Electric Boogaloo

OMG, I'm so addicted to these things...and this one is way cool.

Warning: iTunes required for this one, well, not required to *take* it but required to enjoy the benefit.


Anonymous said…
Lord - Weird Al. Or perhaps Lord Weird Al.
grrrbear said…
I had to take it twice, because my tastes in music are pretty varied, and there were many times that I would have picked two answers instead of just one.

First time: Nicole Kidman
Second time: Fab Five from "Queer Eye"
KC said…
Yep, I got Nicole Kidman also. I'm not sure what this says about me. I'm worried.
Stacey Pelika said…
Fab Five...which doesn't surprise me, really. I've always had a thing for the gay guys.