Somewhere on earth last week there was a big competition for rhythmic gymnastics. Reuters was good enough to send a photographer to capture all the action. No doubt, it was a guy and no doubt he was chosen via a lottery from all the other eager male Reuters photographers. I say this because rhythmic gymnastics is impossiblefor men not to watch. These chicks contort themselves into shapes not seen outside of a Stretch Armstrong convention. Thanks to the lucky winner of the Reuters "It's not pervy - it's journalism!" award, we can judge for ourselves:

This move is so routine for this woman that she's not even looking at her feet. It's like she doesn't bother to keep track of them anymore; just like those mothers at the grocery store that sit reading the backs of cereal boxes while their unholy children run around vandalizing various store displays, taunting the lobsters in the tank with descriptions of their imminent death, and robbing the in-store bank at gunpoint.

Ah yes, perhaps the most famous apparatus - the silly ribbon-thingy. I believe that the intended use is to hypnotize all viewers in to watching the entire competition. Works for me. And yes ladies - that is her knee behind her head.

Ever wondered if you had something stuck to the bottom of your shoe, but didn't have the time to bend your foot up to your face? Never again! Just have your vertebrae replaced with a slinky and you too can bend over backwards to bring your face to the bottom of your foot!

I don't know about you all, but the sight of my left foot perched on my right shoulder would totally freak me out. I'd be all "Dammit Daniel Day-Lewis, get off of there!". Not this chick - such complete focus. Wowsers. But then again, maybe she sees her foot there all the time. Maybe the left foot and the right foot had a falling out and are using a trial separation to work things out or see other appendages. I hope they can work it out and get back together. In any divorce, it's the children who suffer...

You make the call:

This move is so routine for this woman that she's not even looking at her feet. It's like she doesn't bother to keep track of them anymore; just like those mothers at the grocery store that sit reading the backs of cereal boxes while their unholy children run around vandalizing various store displays, taunting the lobsters in the tank with descriptions of their imminent death, and robbing the in-store bank at gunpoint.

Ah yes, perhaps the most famous apparatus - the silly ribbon-thingy. I believe that the intended use is to hypnotize all viewers in to watching the entire competition. Works for me. And yes ladies - that is her knee behind her head.

Ever wondered if you had something stuck to the bottom of your shoe, but didn't have the time to bend your foot up to your face? Never again! Just have your vertebrae replaced with a slinky and you too can bend over backwards to bring your face to the bottom of your foot!

I don't know about you all, but the sight of my left foot perched on my right shoulder would totally freak me out. I'd be all "Dammit Daniel Day-Lewis, get off of there!". Not this chick - such complete focus. Wowsers. But then again, maybe she sees her foot there all the time. Maybe the left foot and the right foot had a falling out and are using a trial separation to work things out or see other appendages. I hope they can work it out and get back together. In any divorce, it's the children who suffer...

You make the call:
- "Rita the Rhythmic Gymnast" Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon slowly being deflated
- Footage of the horrific crash of Air Gymnast flight 215
- Attempted the "club-wielding inverse double backflip"; only got one and a half
All the guys are saying "Wow... that is sooooo hot."
And all the gals are saying "Wow... He had better not expect *me* to bend that much/way tonight!"