You will after seeing this guy:

Yes folks that is Exxon CEO Lee Raymond cackling evilly at a news conference back in May. Exxon today announced a revenue figure for the third quarter of $100.72 billion (yes, with a "b"). This compared to the $76.38 billion they raked in last year in the same quarter. Profits were $9.92 billion. For the quarter.
Doesn't this guy look like every political cartoon representation of "Big Oil Companies" you've ever seen? Beady little eyes, evil lopsided grin, big belly. It's almost like the oil companies created him in a lab somewhere to be the front man for their entire group.

Yes folks that is Exxon CEO Lee Raymond cackling evilly at a news conference back in May. Exxon today announced a revenue figure for the third quarter of $100.72 billion (yes, with a "b"). This compared to the $76.38 billion they raked in last year in the same quarter. Profits were $9.92 billion. For the quarter.
Doesn't this guy look like every political cartoon representation of "Big Oil Companies" you've ever seen? Beady little eyes, evil lopsided grin, big belly. It's almost like the oil companies created him in a lab somewhere to be the front man for their entire group.