I saw this vidcap from the Daily Show on another blog I occasionally read a few weeks ago, but never really thought about it much until I ran across it again recently:

Obviously, hysterical. But then I noticed that the disasters are listed in alphabetical order! So the timeline for all Shrubbie’s disasters is following a pattern, eh? Hmmm…
But then I noticed that it was missing a disaster for “G”. Perhaps this was the joke later on in the segment, but I started thinking up possible “G” disasters of my own just in case it had been overlooked. Here are my top 5:
5. Gas Shortages
4. George (one of the biggest disasters of his own administration)
3. Garden gnome revolution
2. Giant Mecha-Streisand
1. Gays convert Cheney

Obviously, hysterical. But then I noticed that the disasters are listed in alphabetical order! So the timeline for all Shrubbie’s disasters is following a pattern, eh? Hmmm…
But then I noticed that it was missing a disaster for “G”. Perhaps this was the joke later on in the segment, but I started thinking up possible “G” disasters of my own just in case it had been overlooked. Here are my top 5:
5. Gas Shortages
4. George (one of the biggest disasters of his own administration)
3. Garden gnome revolution
2. Giant Mecha-Streisand
1. Gays convert Cheney