In the event of an emergency...

Given the rash of blogs getting run out of dodge by crazies I've elected to create an email address purely for those readers who don't know me in real life and who might want to drop me a note to say hello without going through all the inconvenience and publicity of going through comments. Even those of you who do know me can feel free to use it. So the next time you get run off your blog-claim by the Blogger equivalent of the Capital One barbarians, let me know at


Can't wait for the notes/fanmail/recipes for pie/poems/messages from Hogan's Heroes sent through the resistance!


Nobody said…
Ooooohh, inviting the craziessss =)

Sure you want to do that sweets?
grrrbear said…
It's not my *real* email address, obviously. And I figure I'm just as capable of ignoring the crazies there as I am here. I am just as much an email-fascist as I am a blog-facist.

Besides, given how many email addresses I have currently (seven) what's one more?