Move over Bird Flu! Now there's something freakier!

All of the media hype about bird flu in the last few months is a mixed blessing. Yes, it’s something that people need to be aware of, particularly if you are a chicken herder in the south of China. But as TOWWAS will no doubt agree, all sorts of dangers to mankind are getting pushed aside by the bird flu media mammoth. World AIDS day was yesterday (I think…) and other than the funny picture of the condom draped over the obelisk in Buenos Aires there wasn’t nearly as much coverage as there should be. Stupid bird flu…it’s such a diva.

What’s worse is that there are even scarier problems developing in Asia now. In Russia, the native black squirrels are rising up in a show of violence unseen since the Bolsheviks popped a cap in the Czar. I love squirrels – they are funny, smart, acrobatic and (I thought) placed on earth purely for my entertainment. But now they are ganging up and killing dogs!? That’s just insane. And if they’re starting on dogs, how long before they start taking down people? What if some of these Asian Gang Squirrels hop a container ship to the States? We’re a collection of fatasses – a nation of sitting ducks ripe for the slaughter by this new “cuddly menace”. There’s no way Louie Anderson could escape their protein-decifiency-induced bloodlust, he simply couldn’t outrun them (as this computer-generated graphic clearly demonstrates).

Obviously, we need to do something. Given our recent experiences fighting insurgents…I mean enemies-of-democracy-who-smell-bad-and-behead-kittens-out-of-spite* maybe it’d be good to try something other than invading them. I suggest sending a crack squad of mooses over there to convince them all that they are, indeed, flying squirrels. The mooses could then convince them to go for a test flight off a cliff into the ocean, and then the world would breathe easier after the Asian Gang Squirrels go all Lemming into the sea! In the meantime, does anyone have any squirrel repellant lying around?

*Is that better Mr. Rumsfeld?


Stacey Pelika said…
I didn't even have to read before I started laughing - Louie Anderson! Hee! One of Minnesota's biggest (in more ways than one) "celebrities."

By "celebrity" I mean that he is far more of a celebrity in Minnesota than elsewhere - particularly now that his career has tanked considerably. They still love him in the home state, though!
Cincy Diva said…
There is a theory that if a group of monkeys on an island learn to open coconuts in a certain way, that monkeys on other islands will develop the same skill down the road. I gues thru some kind of monkey mind meld. I hope the same thing isn;t true for squirrels!
towwas said…
I agree that bird flu comes across the wrong way - as an immediate! danger! that will hit! tomorrow! but flu will hit eventually, and it'll probably kill bazillions of people again, and it's good that it's actually getting a little attention. Maybe this will motivate people to make actual public health plans.

I disagree about World AIDS day coverage. I saw a lot of stories about it, including a NYT editorial. And anyway, AIDS is huge and probably doesn't get enough attention, but I hate made-up disease days. AIDS should get coverage because it's newsworthy, not because it's AIDS day.
grrrbear said…
Maybe it has something to do with the media we regularly consume. Working at a respected media institution that covers actual health news probably puts you in a position of higher overall exposure than I, who get my information from sources such as The Daily Show, Weekly World News, and the backs of my cereal boxes.
Anonymous said…
I haven't looked at squirrels the same way since I saw a sign in Utah telling people to avoid contact with them, since they carry bubonic plague. (Yes, that's right - in Utah they raise their squirrels with Black Death.) Your story - not helping them rise in my estimation!
OleNelson said…
I had a recent encounter with a cute-looking-but-likely-rabid baby squirrel. It took to following me around much as ducklings follow their mother.

At the time, I was merely amused. Now I wonder whether he was just staking me out for the greater invasion. I shall watch my back.