Quickie - Lies, damn lies, and statistics...

From an article in a business-type work-related email newsletter I get at work weekly:

Survey: CEOs see strong economy for 2006 A quarterly
survey of CEOs from large U.S. companies shows optimism for the economy in 2006, with expectations for increased productivity and strong corporate and consumer spending. Many feel the robust growth will offset increasing energy and health care costs, and the overall CEO Economic Outlook Index of 101.4, calculated by the Business Roundtable, is the second-highest level in the survey's three-year history. MSNBC/Reuters (12/14)

So, in the three year history of the survey, this is the second highest score huh? You had one year it was better and one year it was worse? Well, that *is* convincing...


towwas said…
Well, since it's quarterly, that would actually mean one better and 10 worse.
grrrbear said…
Leave it to you, TOWWAS. =)[sigh]...fair point.

I *still* argue that touting a "three year history" does nothing to add clout to the survey. Why not just say "in the survey's history"?
ThatIsMeWhat said…
lies, damn lies, and statistics!
ThatIsMeWhat said…
P.S. Woulda been good if I had read your title in the first place...Yeah, long weekend. :P