'Tis the season for stupidity

Now that we are officially in “the holidays” it’s acceptable for me to discuss how much I love Christmas. It’s completely my favorite time of the year – I love the stop-motion holiday specials, I love advent calendars, I love Christmas decorations – the whole shebang. When I was little I was even worse because it was one of the rare times when I would actually get stuff. Unlike most kids today who get stuff whenever they want – I had to plan ahead. My family didn’t have a ton of money so I had a budget to work with and if it was too expensive – I simply didn’t get it. No amount of bitching or whining would help. So I learned to live within my means. And I was happy with what I got – sure I would have loved to get one of those power wheels electric trucks, but I dealt with it.

So these days, nothing sours my love of Christmas like people spending thousands of dollars on ridiculously expensive presents. Those stupid Lexus commercials are the worst – I mean if I were married and my wife bought me a new car as a “surprise” present I’d be furious! Most likely my old car worked just fine and here she goes dropping $50k on a new one? Who among you readers wouldn’t look at him/her with a “WTF?” expression? I think it would make for a great SNL skit for them to film a “real world” one of these where the husband opens the garage door, reveals the SC400 complete with bow) and then proceeds to suffer the wrath of the wife where she says “WHERE’D YOU GET THE CASH FOR THIS!?! WHADDA YOU MEAN A SECOND MORTGAGE?! HOW’S JUNIOR GONNA AFFORD COLLEGE!?! YEW BASTARD!!!”

At least there are rare occasions where people who spend too much money get their due. For example – the recent sale on ebay of an empty xbox 360 box (without the actual device) ended with the winner paying $611 bucks for an empty box. I can only hope that the winner was some twit who didn’t read the complete description and thought he was getting an entire system. Hee hee hee…


KC said…
Hub-Man and I make fun of the Lexus with a big red bow all the time. I agree with you -- I'd be furious if the hubby gave me one as a gift. Not only because of the amount of $$ involved, but hey, I'd want to pick my own damn car, thank you very much!
towwas said…
Yeah, totally - I'd be like, you asshole, I wanted manual! Take it back!

Christmas is my favorite, too. I just love the whole season. And it's snowing tonight, which is rare enough in D.C. that we all get excited about it.
Cincy Diva said…
Anything over a thousand dollars should be considered an importatnt decision and not unilaterally decided on under penalty of death! Actually, on my budget, make that a hundred dollars.