For all of you guys out there jealous of the ladies because nobody stares at *your* chest while you're walking down the street...

Note to all longtime readers - this does *not* qualify as a LAMB shirt. This is because the boobs you are supposed to look at are not, technically "my" boobs. And we don't have a word for "Look At These Boobs"...unless you're Canadian, in which case you might be able to call this a LATTE shirt (Look At These Ta-tas, Eh?).

Note to all longtime readers - this does *not* qualify as a LAMB shirt. This is because the boobs you are supposed to look at are not, technically "my" boobs. And we don't have a word for "Look At These Boobs"...unless you're Canadian, in which case you might be able to call this a LATTE shirt (Look At These Ta-tas, Eh?).