No time to least not well

Whew, this week is going out with crazy business. Oddly enough, there are at least 2-3 other members of my blogroll have also quieted down lately due to that pesky real world. Work has been busy and I've got a strategic planning meeting for the theater company this weekend - and I have promised to bring chocolate truffles for dessert as my contribution to the foodstuffs procurement.

So, as I sit here waiting for the chocolate balls to set* prior to coating I thought I'd share a little entertaining blurb that I saw on one of those "viral video" TV shows that seem to be popping up all over television these days. What is it with Triumph that no matter how much of his schtick is re-cycled, it's still good stuff. I'm glad somebody finally called out Hawaii. Wussies.

Gotta run coat the truffles in delicious candy coating, followed by a light drizzle of semi-sweet...mmm....deliciousness...

* No, they are neither salty nor schwety. Thanks for asking.


towwas said…
I, on the other hand, have severe blogorrhea. Nine posts since I got back from Brazil Tuesday morning.
kippur said…
Holy Crap...For not having time to blog you just posted the funniest damn video I have seen in a long time. Maybe its just that its like 630 in the freakin morning and my brain is still in that not quite normal haze...but I say that's some funny stuff.
KC said…
" *No, they are neither salty nor schwety. Thanks for asking."

How did you know that was the first thing I'd think of? I'm so predictable.
grrrbear said…
What can I say? I know my audience...

...and it was the first thing *I* thought of when I typed it.