Quickie - This one goes out to all you gene-type science folks


Although, I feel kind of bad for the white baby. I mean, it's great that she's been born healthy and with two parents and all. But wouldn't you worry about how often she's going to get asked if she's adopted? If it were me, I'd start wondering pretty early.

Back to work now...

UPDATE: You know, come to think of it, *both* of these kids will probably be asked if they are adopted. Plus they'll have an uphill battle to convince classmates they aren't. Hopefully they aill go to a school that covers genes in, like, the first grade curriculum.


Annie said…
A friend of mine, who is black, has two kids with a woman, who is white... one of his kids is black and the other one is white with blond hair, blue eyes, the works. The funny thing is that if the white kid looks exactly like his black dad - I mean, their facial features are just eerily, uncannily similar, and their baby pictures would be indistinguishable except for the whole race thing! I look forward to seeing many more such families! Maybe we are verging on a new world of racial harmony!! (I'm humming "Imagine" as I type). I also know a girl who is Asian, she just had a kid (her bf is white) with blond hair and blue eyes, too....
towwas said…
Holy cow! That is so interesting. I guess I knew it was theoretically possible, but that's a lot of genes that have to line up in just the right way.