By this, I meant not that flying through O’Hare stinks* but rather that the air itself was tinged with a weird, bizarre smell. The smell itself resembled men’s locker room coupled with just a hint of warm, mushed up banana. It was such an unusual smell that at first my nose didn’t even register that it smelled bad – it was like those times when someone sticks something in your face and says “Smell this!”. And even though it smells hideous, you can’t resist taking a second whiff just to let your brain analyze just how offensive the odor truly is.
The weird thing is that that portion of O’Hare doesn’t typically smell that bad. In fact, tit usually doesn’t smell at all. Maybe the mob moved Hoffa’s body somewhere under the people movers when the FBI tore up that farm in Michigan. Does anyone know if Hoffa died from overdosing on bananas? It sure would explain the smell...
* Although yes, frequently it does.
I've decided Minneapolis is so much better, even if it involves flying out of my way. Detroit is good, too.
But the next time I'm in O'Hare I'll be sure to take a good whiff!
At least DTW has the in-house tram system - that got me there with almost three whole minutes to spare.
And I'll qualify my O'Hare rant as well - I think it's the connections that have led to my overwhelmingly negative reaction to it. I think at least three of my top five worst flying experiences involved connections in O'Hare, including #1 - the ill-fated trip to SFO that involved the only time I've demanded to speak to a manager at a gate desk and an unexpected stopover in Las Vegas. At some point United sent me a letter saying they were giving anyone who had to connect through O'Hare bonus miles because they realized how horrible it was.
I won't qualify my love of MSP, though - it's big, but there are moving sidewalks everywhere, plus a new tram thingie, and the food selection (French Meadow!) and shopping are excellent. Of course, it might kind of suck if you're flying anything other than NWA - are there even gates for other airlines in the main terminal anymore?