As much as I love Target I do give them some grief for essentially taking regular household stuff and developing their own brands to the point of silliness*. Sure, I love Archer Farms chips as much as the next guy* but the marketing cynic in me raises serious questions about whether the Michael Graves teakettle is really worth the extra cash**. But they recently started selling wine at Target, and a few weeks back the GF and I discovered the “funnest” way to booze it up since Franzia – Target Wine Cubes!
The classy stuff comes in a cube that breaks apart into four little boxes, sort of like the juice boxes we all enjoyed as kids***

Sure, the company who prints up the little "booze boxes can't spell "sauvignon" worth a darn****, but the boose itself is fairly tolerable. Plus, I believe they were actually able to spell "pino grigio" correctly, even if I have no idea how it's actually spelled.
Even funnier, the boxes all come with an expiration date:
In retrospect, that's probably a good thing. I have no sense of smell when it comes to wine, so whereas my french stepmom might be able to tell when wine has morphed into grape-colored vinegar, I'll just keep drinking it. So much for my career as a sommelier...
* “Now featuring new crack flavored kettle chips!”
** Obviously, the spinning whistle feature is the secret to great tea.
*** Except with a completely different kind of juice
**** Click on the picture for a close-up. Shout-out to TOWWAS for spotting this when she was over visiting
The classy stuff comes in a cube that breaks apart into four little boxes, sort of like the juice boxes we all enjoyed as kids***

Sure, the company who prints up the little "booze boxes can't spell "sauvignon" worth a darn****, but the boose itself is fairly tolerable. Plus, I believe they were actually able to spell "pino grigio" correctly, even if I have no idea how it's actually spelled.
Even funnier, the boxes all come with an expiration date:

In retrospect, that's probably a good thing. I have no sense of smell when it comes to wine, so whereas my french stepmom might be able to tell when wine has morphed into grape-colored vinegar, I'll just keep drinking it. So much for my career as a sommelier...
* “Now featuring new crack flavored kettle chips!”
** Obviously, the spinning whistle feature is the secret to great tea.
*** Except with a completely different kind of juice
**** Click on the picture for a close-up. Shout-out to TOWWAS for spotting this when she was over visiting
A picture:
I'll try to post the actual pics that are supposed to go with this when I get home. Assuming I can still post comments.