If OAM had frats, the Tri-Lams would have *ruled*

Hey want to know just how big a nerd you are? I know that sometimes I wonder if my increasingly good fashion sense and all the social skills I've developed since high school have decreased my "nerd cred" at all. After all, I'd hate to go back to the 'hood this summer for my 10 year college reunion and have all my homies look at me like I was a sellout.

Well now there's a new nerd quiz available from the folks over at "Beauty and the Geek"! So head on over there and represent, yo!

Myself, I'm "Very geeky" - which I'm assuming is geeky enough to qualify, but not so geeky that I never leave my house and actually hang out with actual human beings instead of inernet avatars.


Stacey Pelika said…
I am also 'very geeky.' Shocking! To rate higher, I think we would have had to spend more time folk dancing.
towwas said…
Oh, my friends. I do *way* more folk dancing than either of you could ever hope to do, but what was my score? "You gotta get geekier." "Man, you really need some help ASAP. You're pathetic; you probably have an active social life and are comfortable around attractive members of the opposite sex." And so on.
KC said…
I'm only a little geeky. The test results say that I need a bit of work to get really geeky. Like reading science stuff... both fact and fiction.
grrrbear said…
For you curious geeks out there, the highest possible score you can achieve seems to be a "Total Geek": "Dude, you really have to get out of the house more often. Fate it; you'll never make a living quoting Monty Python or making homemeade capes for your action figures. Sure, some beauties love gus with a little geek, but you need to dial it back my friend. You should have no trouble relating to the men of Beauty and the Geek"

The thing is, after doing this quiz, I'm starting to have thoughts of actually watching the show to see how bad these kids are. Hmmm...perhaps that was the point...

Oh, and towwas, you may play all innocent, but we all know you're a total player. After all, you *know* that folk dancing promotes social skills. That's probably why your score was so low.
Stacey Pelika said…
Here's a question for TOWWAS - it seems to me that 'folk dancers' at OAM and folk dancers in the real world are two different types of people, in that the former group is highly intercorrelated with such things as living in a house dubbed "The Borg," while the latter involves more mainstream people such as yourself and Miss S. Is this right? Or are you unrepresentative of the folk-dancing population? Or do you have a whole secret life of swordplay and computer-lab-employment that I know nothing about?
towwas said…
Yeah, I think the truth is that Miss Shirley and I are pretty unrepresentative of the folk dance community at large. I looooove the dancing at Norwegian dancing, but I don't really connect with the people.