Quickie - WTF?

Hey, remember my post from way back when? About the woman who was sedated after doctors saw a gun on an x-ray of her "va-jay-jay"?

Check out the last comment at the bottom of that page...

Honestly, I haven't read the entire thing yet, but I think I've read enough to be thoroughly befuddled. My new theory is that it's just a pathetic attempt to drive traffic to some moron's new website (mentioned at the bottom of the comment).

Seems like a lot of work for (probably) very little result.


Anonymous said…
Huh? What does this have to do with wacky tattoos?
grrrbear said…
Oh crap, you're right - I just totally pasted the wrong URL. Fixed now...
Anonymous said…
Ah, much better. Yeah, that's one long comment. There's someone who posts rambly, long comments on all of the Post blogs with links to his weirdo website - I think he keeps the moderators pretty busy deleting them.