Quickie - Animals + Wit = Fun!

Those of you out there who love CuteOverload and aren't afraid of a little 1337-speak should head over to this site where there is a collection of cute/funny animal pictures combined with witty sayings. One warning - go when you have a while, there's a *lot* of pictures and they are pretty hysterical.


Good times!


Annie said…
I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE!!!!!!!! I haven't laughed this hard before breakfast in a long time, thanks.

Annie said…
Incidentally, what is "1337"?
grrrbear said…
1337 is 'net slang for how hardcore users substitute letters and numbers in for regular letters (or flopping the order of letters) thus allowing them to talk about subjects usually banned from user forums. Hence where we have gotten terms like "pwned" for "owned", "prOn" for "porn", and so on.

The "1337" itself is actual an example, it represents "elite", being a 1337-speak variation of the phonetic pronounciation of "e-leet" where "leet" = "1337".

There's actually a really good wikipedia entry on it under "Leet" if you're truly curious.
KC said…
I've seen this site before. It's wicked fun!
towwas said…
Ha! I actually e-mailed myself another catmeme site today so I'd remember to blog it tonight. I don't know why they're so hilarious, but they really really are. And don't forget this video:
Anonymous said…
Grrrbear - could you also explain the origins of the "I'm in your ____, ____ing your _____" phenomena, and it's eight hundred variations? What was the first thing to be in someone else's thing doing something to their stuff?
grrrbear said…
It (allegedly) goes back to a multiplayer game of Starcraft online where one player was being a jerk. He was being all cocky on the in-game messaging service, talking smack about how he was going to beat all the other players. One of the other players hadn't been saying anything for a while so the jerk called him out, asking why he was being so quiet. The quiet guy replied back with "Im in ur base, killin ur d00dz". True enough he had launched a big attack on the jerk and was wiping him out.

The other players thought it was so funny that they told the story to all their friends. And the rest, as they say, is history.
J.Po said…
Jiggity has been sending me one kitten pic a day - all from this site - and until now, I didn't know his source. But now I know. Mwwwwaaaaaahhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa!!!
towwas said…
Dudes, I blogged about I'm in ur ____ ____ing your ____ in November, and J.Bro, you commented on it, too. http://mellificent.blogspot.com/2006/11/favorite-things.html
Anonymous said…
Wow, TOWWAS has a memory like a steel trap. I thought the story sounded really familiar when grrrbear explained it - I guess he was just nudging awake some knowledge I had already been given. It makes me wonder what else is in there, just hangin' out. Any dissertation chapters? Helllo-oooooo!