Quickie - To the victor go the spoils!

Since J.Po requested it - I present to you the prize I won from winning my friend's trivia game - the reunion edition:

Those of you who went to OAM know who this is and why it's the best prize I have ever won in my history of winning stuff.


towwas said…
I think I requested it, too, and it TOTALLY EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. I am so jealous right now. But since you took the notes and also knew most of the answers, I think it is rightfully yours. That is SO much better than a cash prize.
J.Po said…
Rightfully yours, indeed. But dude, I'm jealous too. The squeezy-head Schiller is just not the same. But pretty good anyway.
J-Vo said…
I can't believe that anyone took the time, effort, and money to make Our President in a bobblehead. I wouldn't think there would be enough demand. Still, that does not detract from its inherent coolness.
Stacey Pelika said…
I think they made them for his big retirement sendoff. I wish they'd had enough for everyone, but you definitely deserve it!

I also think it's hilarious that none of us took the Knights CDs - apparently, a cappella is only fun if you know the dorks singing!
Anonymous said…
That's the bust of Schiller? I expected something with...I dunno, a more commanding presence.

One of the TAs here is a senior at YAM - she was impressed that I had heard of it, astounded at my knowledge of it, and kinda dumbsquizzled that I'm friends with the person that brought frisbeeing to campus (or whatever).
grrrbear said…
No, that's not schiller - the squishy schiller busts were a completely different prize. This is a bobblehead of the (now ex-) president of OAM.
Stacey Pelika said…
And I didn't introduce frisbee to campus, I just introduced it to New Student Week in the form of the frisbee toss. Frisbee was already (very) well-established on campus when I got there - I'm not that much of a visionary!