I ran across this picture on the web months ago and saved it, thinking that it would make good blog-fodder. Then, I promptly forgot about it until stumbling across it in the "My Pictures" folder.

Really and truly, this picture speaks for itself. Everything that you are thinking right now is exactly what I thought when I first saw it...
"Is that real or photoshopped?"
"Chewie, NOOOOOOOO!"
"How does Chewbacca swallow food given that is throat is just two tiny holes? Does he eat nothing but milkshakes? How did they make milkshakes on a jungle planet like Kashyyyk anyway?"
Given the costuming, my theory is that this picture was taken during the filming of the Hoth sequences of Empire Strikes Back. Probably during a break, Harrison Ford was showing off his new Kodak DISC camera and got Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew to put together a pseudo-"in flagrante delicto"* shot and then one of his kids found it in a shoebox labelled "Empire Photos", showed it off to his junior high friends, one of whom scanned it and put it on his MySpace page where it got picked up by BoingBoing and the rest, as they say, is history.
Of course, that's all just a theory...
* Can I just tell you how much I love this phrase? Translated literally, it means "while the crime is blazing". I totally need to use it more often...

Really and truly, this picture speaks for itself. Everything that you are thinking right now is exactly what I thought when I first saw it...
"Is that real or photoshopped?"
"Chewie, NOOOOOOOO!"
"How does Chewbacca swallow food given that is throat is just two tiny holes? Does he eat nothing but milkshakes? How did they make milkshakes on a jungle planet like Kashyyyk anyway?"
Given the costuming, my theory is that this picture was taken during the filming of the Hoth sequences of Empire Strikes Back. Probably during a break, Harrison Ford was showing off his new Kodak DISC camera and got Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew to put together a pseudo-"in flagrante delicto"* shot and then one of his kids found it in a shoebox labelled "Empire Photos", showed it off to his junior high friends, one of whom scanned it and put it on his MySpace page where it got picked up by BoingBoing and the rest, as they say, is history.
Of course, that's all just a theory...
* Can I just tell you how much I love this phrase? Translated literally, it means "while the crime is blazing". I totally need to use it more often...
I'm also a fan of "in flagrante delicto". It just sounds so... naughty.