As you may have figured out, things here are still beyond busy at work, and the parade of events, people, and meetings in the evenings has me booked until at least this weekend. All of which leaves little time for even reading blogs, much less the generation of original content.
So I'm resorting to just posting random stuff I find as it comes up. In this case, a bunch of pictures from the GF and I's* trip to northern Minnesota over 4th of July weekend. Nothing personally identifiable, of course - just some things I found blogworthy.
First up, a combination pet and car wash that we saw on our way into Duluth. As if that wasn't weird enough - it's also an RV dump. Boy, I can only imagine how important it would be to be sure Fido got placed on the right wash line. It'd be a shame for him to come out buffed to a high gloss with a little pine-tree air freshener hooked to his collar:

Next, perhaps the most disgusting candy idea I've ever seen. Candy toilet water! We saw this in a little grocery store in Ely, MN and I needed to capture the moment. Apparently, the "plungers" are suckers that you lick, and then stick into the toilet to coat them in sugar crystal toilet water. Yeah, *there's* a habit we want our kids to pick up as they are toilet training...

Finally, in a test of the new Blogger videoposting widget - a short film I shot at the Bear Center to demonstrate just how fat bears can get. Look at this one - she's so fat that she can barely jump over the log!
Obviously, somebeary has been eating too much candy toilet water...
* mine? my? Help me grammar genie!
So I'm resorting to just posting random stuff I find as it comes up. In this case, a bunch of pictures from the GF and I's* trip to northern Minnesota over 4th of July weekend. Nothing personally identifiable, of course - just some things I found blogworthy.
First up, a combination pet and car wash that we saw on our way into Duluth. As if that wasn't weird enough - it's also an RV dump. Boy, I can only imagine how important it would be to be sure Fido got placed on the right wash line. It'd be a shame for him to come out buffed to a high gloss with a little pine-tree air freshener hooked to his collar:
Next, perhaps the most disgusting candy idea I've ever seen. Candy toilet water! We saw this in a little grocery store in Ely, MN and I needed to capture the moment. Apparently, the "plungers" are suckers that you lick, and then stick into the toilet to coat them in sugar crystal toilet water. Yeah, *there's* a habit we want our kids to pick up as they are toilet training...
Finally, in a test of the new Blogger videoposting widget - a short film I shot at the Bear Center to demonstrate just how fat bears can get. Look at this one - she's so fat that she can barely jump over the log!
Obviously, somebeary has been eating too much candy toilet water...
* mine? my? Help me grammar genie!
2. "the GF and my trip." The trick is, you take out the other person and say the sentence that way. "A bunch of pictures from I's trip" sounds stupid.
TOWWAS - Thanks, grammar fairy!