Quickie - [Insert required Alanis Morrisette lyric here]

Just in case you haven't seen this yet...

I'm not sure, but is that irony?

Poor kid. Probably just didn't get started the way she wanted to and then spiraled out of control. At least she managed to work Iraq in there somehow.

Here's the real question: how does she give such a mangled answer and still win Third Runner up? Go figure.


kippur said…
She was on the Today Show this morning in an attempt to redeem herself. The last thing Matt asked her was what she wanted to be when she "grew up". I though, if she says Cartographer then she has been redeemed. She did not.
J-Vo said…
My favorite part is the expression on Mario Lopez's face when he thanks her for her answer. It's priceless- "did I just effin' hear what I thought I heard? Am I here? WTF?WTF???"
towwas said…
Not only did she work in Iraq, she worked in *South Africa*. Nobody has talked about South Africa in a beauty pageant since 1995.
Annie said…
Oh. Wow. I'm not sure I've ever seen the equal of that. I do wonder how she came across on Today Show? I'm sure she can tell you all about the latest on Nicole Richie with great eloquence, though.
KC said…
That's sad and scary. Why do those pageant people keep trying to tell the public that it's not a beauty contest, it's a talent/scholarship show.