Wrapping up

Waking up this morning was not the greatest experience. In the interest of diversity, I am staying in a different hotel than this weekend. It's only for one night, thankfully. Copenhagen is still great, but this hotel is located right next to both a construction site and also the main rail line headed north from the main station. The bad thing about the construction is that apparently the Danes like to start work at 6:00 in the morning. The bad thing about the rail line is it's on a curved part of the line, so every few minutes a loud screeching of the trains echoes through the neighborhood. The odd thing is that my previous hotel is only about two blocks away, but I didn't hear any of either of those while I was there. Go figure.

Yesterday was my day trip up to Sweden for a business trip. Even though it was only for a day, the town is pretty small so it only took an hour or two to walk around pretty much the entire area. I took some pictures, but will get to those once I get back as I need to go get some breakfast and pack. In a couple hours I'll make my way down to the main station where I'll catch a train to the airport. Then I have a direct flight from Copenhagen back to O'Hare. Yay for direct flights! Of course, I'm not all that excited about air travel again after being spoiled after two weeks of pain-free train travel. But on the bright side I'll be on my way back to a place where English is the main language again. So I've got that goin' for me.

All told it has been a great trip. Did a lot of good stuff for work but also had my first change to tour a foreign country on my own and I totally survived. I also learned a lot of things that Americans should know:
  1. Ladies, get ready for incredibly tight pants! That's right, assuming that all fashion in the US comes from Europe, I can safely say that this fall and next winter you'll be wearing pants so tight that they look like they are body paint. Because that's what all the women over here are wearing. Now you all know what to ask for for Christmas/Hannukah!
  2. People here are just as interested in the presidential election as we are.
  3. If you're coming, take trains. Screw air travel, get a Eurail Pass and go crazy.
  4. European chocolate makes American chocolate taste like wax. Sure, we all know that already, but it's still true - just so you know.
Two hours until the airport. Five hours until I'm on the plane. 14 hours until I'm back home. Then I'm taking tomorrow off. After last night I'm gonna need it. There sure as heck had better not be any construction on my street once I get back.


KC said…
I haven't commented on each entry, but that doesn't mean that I haven't read each of the "World Tour" entries. I've enjoyed them all very much! I appreciate the time to you took to keep us all updated. Truly.
towwas said…
I love trains!!
Jay Noel said…
Sounds awesome...I need to take a trip to Europe.
KC said…
grrrbear, please stop by my blog today and read about a theatre censorship problem we're having here in St. Louis. I know you'll be interested since you are a theatre person, too.