Fell off the blogwagon for a while...

Among the many things I missed about my trip to Europe upon my return to the states was the amount of time I had to blog while I was there. After being gone from work for two weeks, I naturally returned to find two weeks worth of work sitting in my in-tray. Plus, I had to write up all my findings from the show and visits, and publish said report to the company intranet while also getting back up to speed on the strategic planning project I’m heading up for TTC* and the board meeting we had earlier this week. Oh, and my dad and stepmom dropped in for a *super* fun visit this past weekend, which somewhat limited by available time for blogging then too.

All things taken into consideration, I’m feeling like a *total* blog-slacker the last couple weeks because I’ve been so busy that my life has had little to nothing happening that would even remotely be blogworthy. I’ve been so busy that I’ve even failed to email people my usual “Happy birthday” wishes – and that’s bad for me because I’ve got a lot of friends with birthdays in September**. Nor have I been visiting my usual blogroll of friends to stay up to date on everyone. But this weekend I had a business trip get cancelled, so I’ll hopefully be able to catch up this weekend. Yay!

Now, back to work. On the bright side, at least I’m not as bad off as these guys in China:

* The Theater Company. I figure it’s just easier to call it this, so NEW BLOGTERM ALERT everyone!
** Including J.Po. Happy very belated birthday dear friend!!!


grrrbear said…
Note: Yes, I changed templates. But I'm not entirely satisfied with this one. I was just tired of all my videos I posted being truncated on the sides because the formatting of the old template was too narrow in the body. More changes to come probably once I get more time.
Stacey Pelika said…
Love the big photo, Grrr!

And welcome back! I think you'll have to be the next target in the 'get everyone on Facebook' initiative.
Annie said…
hey that's cool about the template, looking forward to more changes. welcome back, it's been fun reading about your travels!
KC said…
I like the new template. That large photo at the top has a very scary sky. Really. I look at it and wonder if I need to get under a doorway or desk or something.
J.Po said…
Hey now! Thanks for the b-day wishes! As a reward for making it to 32, I signed up for Facebook, for which you have zero respect.
J.Po said…
And by the way, what would you like to do for YOUR b-day - perhaps go see Schindler's List at the Mall of America? Oh no wait, we've already done that.