I know that I have at least a few people still stopping by, hoping beyond hope for something new to read that doesn't involve scary giant puppets or uninteresting stories of travel delays in airports. I also know that a few of said readers are folks who are known to pick up knitting needles now and again* and that at least one of them has a significant other who is a little nerdtacular**. For her, I present perhaps the kewlest knitted thing ever. A knit R2-D2 stocking cap! 
It's one of those things that makes me *really* wish I could still knit, or had the time to learn how again. Anyway, it was designed by some woman who posts all her patterns for it on her blog. So run on over and pick up the pattern and you'll have Xmas presents for your favorite geek all set up by fall! No need to thank me...
On the brighter side of life work has slowed down markedly recently. In fact, I have an entire weekend all to myself this weekend, with my only firm plans involving going to Lifesource to donate blood. Lifesource is a private company that basically manages blood donations in the Chicago area, and my relationship with them is a love/hate one. I love what they represent, but sometimes they get a little - shall we say - clingy. They have some computerized system that automatically knows when you are eligible to donate again, and all of us "regulars"*** start to receive phone calls from them to try and set up an appointment. It's like having a stalker, only it's vampire and not a jealous ex or crazy internet date gone horribly wrong. In retrospect, I'm not sure which situation would be worse. I've had some crazy internet dates...
Anyway, they call you something like 5-6 times a day, but never leaving a message. You just get to the point where you recognize the number on callerID and ignore it. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I had no time, and I hate feeling guilty about putting the caller off for, say a month despite their pleas that "We have a motorcycle accident victim in the hospital right now and we need you to come in to donate"****.
But now I have an appointment for Sunday and my concience will be clear for another 8 weeks or so. Ah, sweet redemption...
* Myself, I haven't knit since my junior high home ec class where I made slippers and a coat hanger cover that is still hanging in my closet. Why do hangers need knit covers, you ask? Hey, I didn't design the curriculum...
** Yeah, I'm looking at you J.Po.
*** I think I'm on my 2nd or third gallon of blood at this point.
**** Seriously, I had one guy use that on me last year. Obviously not credible, particularly when I said I couldn't come in until the weekend and Lifesource said "That'd be fine". I guess it wasn't *that* bad a crash then huh?

It's one of those things that makes me *really* wish I could still knit, or had the time to learn how again. Anyway, it was designed by some woman who posts all her patterns for it on her blog. So run on over and pick up the pattern and you'll have Xmas presents for your favorite geek all set up by fall! No need to thank me...
On the brighter side of life work has slowed down markedly recently. In fact, I have an entire weekend all to myself this weekend, with my only firm plans involving going to Lifesource to donate blood. Lifesource is a private company that basically manages blood donations in the Chicago area, and my relationship with them is a love/hate one. I love what they represent, but sometimes they get a little - shall we say - clingy. They have some computerized system that automatically knows when you are eligible to donate again, and all of us "regulars"*** start to receive phone calls from them to try and set up an appointment. It's like having a stalker, only it's vampire and not a jealous ex or crazy internet date gone horribly wrong. In retrospect, I'm not sure which situation would be worse. I've had some crazy internet dates...
Anyway, they call you something like 5-6 times a day, but never leaving a message. You just get to the point where you recognize the number on callerID and ignore it. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I had no time, and I hate feeling guilty about putting the caller off for, say a month despite their pleas that "We have a motorcycle accident victim in the hospital right now and we need you to come in to donate"****.
But now I have an appointment for Sunday and my concience will be clear for another 8 weeks or so. Ah, sweet redemption...
* Myself, I haven't knit since my junior high home ec class where I made slippers and a coat hanger cover that is still hanging in my closet. Why do hangers need knit covers, you ask? Hey, I didn't design the curriculum...
** Yeah, I'm looking at you J.Po.
*** I think I'm on my 2nd or third gallon of blood at this point.
**** Seriously, I had one guy use that on me last year. Obviously not credible, particularly when I said I couldn't come in until the weekend and Lifesource said "That'd be fine". I guess it wasn't *that* bad a crash then huh?