Cough, hack, sniffle...

There are many great things about finding the love of your life. You always have someone who listens to you when you have a bad day, who will run your head when you have a headache, and who will sometimes make dinner for you without asking.

Which is all well and good, but you also find yourself facing some of the not-so-great parts like passing the same cold back and forth as the GF and I have been doing for the past week. And man does it suck. I've been fighting off some version of this cold for two weekends in a row and I'm only just now starting to feel right. But I'm better off than the GF - poor thing, she's been sick, gotten better, and then got sick again twice already.

Naturally, I blame myself and my delinquent immune system.


kippur said…
It's been a bad year. I got 2 1/2 colds this winter. That's a new record!
J-Vo said…
Just think of the disaster that will ensue once you procreate...then you have a 3-way exchange of child care center germs....which, by the way, are the most potent, virulent, and wicked germs you will ever experience in your life. Bird flu? Whatever. The silent killer is truly the daycare flu.
grrrbear said…
K - 2.5 colds? So, I'm assuming you're sick at the moment? Solidarity, brother!

j.v. - No way man, I've already told the GF that if we get hitched she's got to get a sweet screenwriting gig and make millions so I can be a house husband. Woo-hoo! Baking cookies, building forts and playing Nintendo with the kid! Sweet...
Cheryl said…
I agree with j-vo, and the thing about daycare colds is they don't have to come from daycare. They can come from Gymboree, the playland at Chick-fil-a, a stray breeze through an open window...