Should be back to relatively normal next week, until then...

Have you seen this?

Extinct, my ASS! from The Original Joe Fisher on Vimeo.

It's a super-realistic ROBOT DINOSAUR! WANT!!!!!!1111!!!ONE!


grrrbear said…
Oh wait...I just saw the knees...

NOT COOL DIGG! You totally had this up as an "animatronic dinosaur".

I am so disappointed by the internets right now...
kippur said…
Ooooh it was a costume??? Oh well, still cool. I love the little kids running for cover!

So what's this about your mom movin?!? Does this mean no more trips to Alex for you???
Anonymous said…
Holy crap. I bet museum employees fight tooth and nail over who gets to wear the costume and terrorize the children. I, for one, would lead a crowd of pitchfork-wielding villagers against it.
grrrbear said…
K: Yeah, they sold the house last month and are going to be splitting time between IA/MN in their RV trailer during the summer and their place in florida during the winter.

Needless to say, I am not excited by the thought of having to travel to florida.