If I had a vergina I'd be immortal, apparently

For all my love of weird internet quizzes, I never actually paid attention to any of the results until I ran across a "life expentancy estimator" on MSN. Particularly interesting were the results of my taking said quiz:


If you continue maintaining healthy habits, you'll want to plan for a maximum life expectancy of 93 years or more.

Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 158 lbs.

The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:

1. Cholesterol level

2. Age of grandparents
3. Personality type

The one biggest negative factor that you have going for you is:

1. Gender

So apparently, the one thing standing between me and attending my great-great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter's wedding is my penis.

The worst thing about this "estimator" is that it gives no explanation for *why* my gender is the problem. This sort of casual factlessness is everywhere these days, and left me with no choice but to devise my own ultra-unscientific reasons why being a guy is going to kill me in a mere 63 years.

The most logical explanation is that I would be killed off by someone what did not share similar characteristics - therefore one could hypothesize that one of three things was trying to kill me: a woman, a hermaphrodite, or something completly genderless (e.g. amoebas, rocks, or ham sandwiches).

It didn't take long to rule out hermaphrodites because like unicorns, compassionate conservatism, and mesothelioma they don't actually exist. Rather, they are a construct designed to lure people into believing they can be found in the real world when in actuality they exist only on the less reputable portions of the internet.

As for the third group, I'm not concerned. I'm much too large for an amoeba to turn into a food vacuole. Rocks pose no problems here in the midwest because there are no cliffs or mountains for them to plummet from. This is not to say they couldn't hire some sketchy pilot to take them up to altitude but it's unlikely because they are all unemployed and therefore can't afford plane tickets. As for ham sandwiches, well, they may be quick enough to take down Mama Cass, but I'm a lot quicker and more elusive than she was.

So this leaves women as the only possible suspects in my early death. This just proves that all that research they're doing to replace sperm has an evil purpose. My only hope is to preserve my preternatural ability to open jars, fix things, and pick up heavy things. Which probably explains why I'll die at 93. By the time I get that old my back will be shot, jars will open themselves, and everything I know how to fix will be museum pieces.

Unless, of course, I become a cyborg.


ThatIsMeWhat said…
This quiz is antiquated (sp?) Women have lived longer in the past because we haven't had to commute to work and put up with pissy bosses. I suspect everything will even out soon.
towwas said…
Heart disease: also a genderless evil? And where is this quiz, mister, so the rest of us can take it?
grrrbear said…
Click on the link in the post (the one that says "life expectancy estimator") and it'll take you to the quiz itself.

I also wonder if I'm not a bit younger than the pool of people the quiz designers are expecting. Maybe that threw off my results.
grrrbear said…
Grafs: I don't know, you ladies seem pretty intent on eliminating us with all your pollution:


But then again, we boys did most of the polluting to get us here anyway. Maybe we're subconciously suicidal?!
towwas said…
Dude, I need to develop some bad habits. Or just find a hobby that's good enough to entertain me for a really, really long time:

If you continue maintaining healthy habits, you'll want to plan for a maximum life expectancy of 98 years or more.

Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 132 lbs.

The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Diet

The two biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Family health
2. Exercise
Annie said…
My life expectancy is 102, according to the test. That's pretty ridiculous. well I would loooovvvvee to live to 102, but there are just too many things that could go wrong!

Speaking of pollution, it's thought that compounds released from plastic (like in plastic water bottles) are making boys less boy-like. So if you want a child destined to be a manly man, don't drink out of plastic bottles. I type as I take a sip from a plastic bottle.
grrrbear said…
Put down that bottle! You're killing the future of guy-kind!

Sheesh, 98? 103? All of you are going to be way older than me when you die and in a strange way, that makes me feel better about my rock-and-roll lifestyle.

Of course, we're all going to be killed by bird flu anyway, so what does it really matter?