Ladies and Gentlemen...I am a whore!

In the spirit of christmas/hannukah giving I thought I'd try to dig up something fun for us all to share and indulge in.

Needless to say - this is it. A nifty little application that will tell you how slutty anything is*. (Yes, including your mom).

According to the Slut-o-Meter - this blog is actually a whole lot sluttier than I am: = 42.6% slutty (72/169)
grrrbear = 4.6% slutty (8/174)
[actual name] = 4.44% slutty (21/473)
grrrbear's mom = 0% slutty (0/0) - of course, we all knew this would be the result, my mom's a saint.

So go ahead and plug away - how slutty are *you*? More importantly, how slutty is your blog?

*Snaps to Sam Burns for revealing it to the world!


towwas said…
Ok, so my blog and my abbreviation are a *little* slutty: = 16.67%
towwas = 25.93

but check out these numbers:
the one who writes about science = -6.67
[actual name] = -7.41%

Yes, that's right. I am negative slutty. Hm.
towwas said…
Interestingly, my mom is also exactly zero.
Nobody said…
I'm not slutty!!!! Only like 16%.

But what does that say about the people who find my blog by searching...

"girl shoving hotdog up her pussy" and "cunt-licking threesome?!

That should count for SOMETHING, damn it?! I AM slutty!!!

Cheryl said…

blog: 0%

miss s: 7.34% (but probably related to someone completely different, like that lady on What's Happenin'?)

actual name: 5.04%

Really, I could tell you some good stories that would lead you to believe I am waaaay sluttier than that, but I guess 7 years of good behavior (marriage) will lower your percentages.
grrrbear said…
Now now NWG - "Nowhere Girl" scores in the 29% range, and your blogspot URL (well, the latest iteration) is 100% slutty! Congrats!

There now, see? You're trashier than anyone else here! The rest of us are pure as the driven snow by comparison.
grrrbear said…
Interestingly, however, your mom is also 0% Nowhere Girl.
grrrbear said…
Miss S: Obviously your stories haven't been collected on the internet and linked to you (as yet) thereby preserving your web-innocence for the time being.

Consider yourself one of the fortunate ones. If the web ever found out about the time I knifed the 8-year old girl I'd...

...oh crap.
grrrbear said…
How does google even get *any* results for your abbreviation, TOWWAS? Maybe you've created your own word!

Now if only we could figure out what it means...
Jay Noel said…
16% slutty. I guess my blog is mostly 'clean.'
ThatIsMeWhat said…
Sadly, I am -33.33 slutty. Oh well, better find a new demeaning name for myself ;)
towwas said…
There's a blog concept for ya, Miss S!
Tell us all your stories from your slutty days!
... said…
uh oh... i was like 77%, and i am a mom....
J.Po said…
J.Po is high on the promescuity scale:
Promiscuity: 52.07% (57800 /111000)