Another epic journey begins...

As you’ve probably picked up on, my postings from last week reached a new record level in terms of volume. Partially, this was because there was a lot of stuff going on last week that was blog-worthy, and partially, it was overcompensating for the fact that I’m heading out for another business trip that will last me pretty much for the remainder of this week. In fact I was supposed to be in Massachusetts today, but thanks to the stunning incompetence and inefficiency of Cook County’s bureaucracy* I have yet to get my driver’s license returned to me from the speeding ticket I received back on April 9th. Now, I have a passport, so I can fly with no problems. But without a valid driver’s license I can’t rent a car. And since my travels are supposed to take me from New Hampshire to Vermont to Massachusetts to Connecticut, I can’t just take a cab everywhere like I usually would.

And I suppose it’d be asking a bit much for the company to hire me a limo with driver for the entire three days I’m going to be out there. Although it *is* kind of funny to picture me (all surly and cranky from a bad flying experience on Southwest) being driven about small-town New England by Morgan Freeman in full “Driving Mister Grrrbear” mode…

“What are you doing?”

“I’m tryin’ to drive you to the factory!”

* Thanks, Todd Stroger you incompetent product of nepotism! =)


Jay Noel said…
That would be one helluva journey, though. It beats taking a cab that smells like ass.
ThatIsMeWhat said…
Just think...Southwest is the GOOD airline. The others will just send you by 3rd class mail.