What a waste of money...I'm sooo jealous! on May 29, 2007 nerdiness pop culture shopping skepticism +
Get yer stinkin' antennae off me you damn dirty cicadas! on May 21, 2007 bugs business signs of the apocalypse travel +
Quickie - They say that the camera adds 10 pounds, they just didn't say they'd add them all to the same place on May 10, 2007 boobs movies Quickies +
Quickie - Why yes, I *would* jump off a building if all my friends did it on May 10, 2007 me Quickies web quiz +
Jack Sprat and his wife never had it so good online on May 10, 2007 internet fads sales pitches technology +
Note: the 2nd shoe post in a week doesn't make me the shoe-equivalent of J.Bro on May 08, 2007 fashion shoes shopping +
Possible just a tiny bit NSFW, so I'm not showing the actual picture on May 04, 2007 fashion Pictures weird +
Of course, I suppose I could just carry another flavor in my car to cover it up... on May 03, 2007 crime food paranoia +
Quickie - The pictures you've all been waiting for! on May 02, 2007 fashion minnesota Quickies shoes +
I'm soooo reconsidering not being an exchange student right now on May 02, 2007 boobs school technology +